Future scenario of recognition

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How to use scenario planning to map the future of recognition?

When enhancing the workforce potential the Public Employment Service (PES) plays an important role. The PES has evolved across the world. Demography, globalization, technology, labormarket mismatches, and inequality pose significant challenges and opportunities for labormarkets around the world.

Some factors to mention:

  • Political changes - European Commission new skill agenda
  • Economic– Current job functions are changing
  • Social– need for social inclusion
  • Technological– growing questions on data ownership

What impact will new skills requirements have upon PES?

PES Network study: What will be the most significant impact on PES?

“The socio-economic context within which governmental and inter-governmental organizations operate is changing due to globalization, migration, de-regulation, geopolitical changes, citizens' empowerment, the demographic situation, climate change and digitalization.”

“Technological change, including increased use of new technology within PES, new skill requirements, new forms of work and new types of employment relationships, new recruitment models; changing composition of the working population (due to ageing, migration).”

In short: Skills education and life-long learning

  • Adaptivity - transferable skills
  • Upskilling
  • Reskilling

A future scenario for PES

What if Public Employment Services can play a central role in mediating these dynamics, as they are involved in the daily functioning of the labor market and in government interventions to address market failures.

Current examples

VDAB The Case for Skills - Europe Commission